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Manyavsky Skyt

Manyavsky Exaltation of the Cross Monastery (Manyavsky skit) – monument of architecture of the XVII century.
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Manyavsky Skyt

Manyavsky Exaltation of the Cross Monastery (Manyavsky skit) – monument of architecture of the XVII century.

Founded in 1608 pupils Athos Yovom Kniahynytskyi and John Vyshensky. 1621 Diploma Stauropegic Skit received from the Patriarch of Constantinople, which essentially meant the direct subordination of the monastery of Constantinople, and this was a unique case in the history of the Orthodox Church. It is assumed here that buried the Hetman Ukraine Vyhovsky. Now Manyavsky Skit – austere monastery of the Eastern rite ( "Ukrainian Athos"), an outstanding center of spirituality, culture and art. This is a sacred place of healing spring water in the picturesque Carpathian Mizhhiria of healing microclimate. Now it is renovated ensemble of stone and wooden buildings enclosed by high stone wall with towers and battlements – successful synthesis of steep terrain and fortified buildings. Here was created a masterpiece of Ukrainian sacred art Bohorodchany iconostasis, made 1698-1705 GG Yovom Kondzelevich

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Ivano-Frankivsk region, 16, Skytova Str., Manyava, Bohorodchany district

48.655618 | 24.39299

0342 71 68 037; +38(097) 71 80 799


Review 1


Facebook web site не працюе для паломникiв працюе Вдихаючи лісові аромати, ви зможете прогулятися по доглянутій території монастиря, помолитися в храмах обителі: – соборі Воздвиження Чесного і Животворящого Хреста Господнього, побудованому на фундаменті церкви 1611 р.; – храмі святих Бориса і Гліба та – церкви Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці. А пройшовши по лісовій дорозі ще з пів кілометра, ви побачите «Блаженний камінь» – місце, з якого все почалося. Це великий виступ в скелі з гротом, який, за переказами, і був першим притулком ченців. Це і є перший скит. Блаженний він тому, що з-під нього било джерело з водою, яка вважається цілющою.


Natural objects and reserves

Manyavsky Falls

Manyava village, Bohorodchany district


Solotvyno historical museum

4, Grushevskogo Str., Solotvyno village

Natural objects and reserves

Starunskyy mud volcano

Starunya village, Bohorodchany district

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Dominican Monastery, Bogorodchany

61 Taras Shevchenko street, Bogorodchany


Museum of Ethnography of Sadzhava village

Shkilna Str., Sadzhava village, Bohorodchany district

Natural objects and reserves

Syvulsky ridge

Bohorodchany district

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in Yaremche

Svobody Street, 148, Yaremche


Museum of Ethnography and Ecology of the Carpathian Region

Svobody Street, 269, Yaremche

Natural objects and reserves

Probiy Waterfall

Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region

Natural objects and reserves

Gorgany Nature Reserve


Where to stay?

Children's camps

Plast camp "Chota krylatyh"

Lukvytsya village, Bohorodchany district


"Тear the Prut" Cottage

st. Stefanika 101, Yaremche


Health Resort "Karpaty"

30 I. Petrasha str., Yaremche village



76 Ivana Franka Street, Yaremche

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