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Archaeological monuments of Mykolaiv (Late Bronze Age and Antiquity)

Author: Миколаївська обласна державна адміністрація
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  • 1
    The ancient settlement of the Late Bronze Age “DIKIYI SAD”
    Natural objects and reserves

    The ancient settlement of the Late Bronze Age “DIKIYI SAD”

    Artillery and Embankment streets, Mykolaiv
  • 2
    Ancient Greek settlement “Bulvar”
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    Ancient Greek settlement “Bulvar”

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    Ancient Late Greek settlement “Mykolaiv - VI”
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    Ancient Late Greek settlement “Mykolaiv - VI”

    Embankment street, Mykolaiv
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    The ancient burial ground of the Hellenistic era “Alexander”
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    Roman Defense Ditch
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    Roman Defense Ditch

    near 29, Embankment street, Mykolaiv

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