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Alpine lake Dogyaska (Gereshaska) on Svydivka

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Alpine lake Dogyaska (Gereshaska) on Svydivka

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Transcarpathian region, Rakhiv district, Transcarpathian region

48.26993148575498 | 24.165243636621

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Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Church of Our Lord's Ascension

Yasynia village, Rakhiv district

Natural objects and reserves

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve

street Krasne Pleso, 77, Rakhiv

Natural objects and reserves

Mount Hoverla

On the border of Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, about 17 km far from the border with Romania. The major settlements nearby are Rakhiv, Yasinya and Vorokhta.

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