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Dzharilgatsky National Nature Park

Dzharylgach, rightfully attracts tourists and lovers of the exotic. Spreading out for 42 km from east to west, it seems to be specifically created for adventures.
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Dzharilgatsky National Nature Park

Dzharylgach, rightfully attracts tourists and lovers of the exotic. Spreading out for 42 km from east to west, it seems to be specifically created for adventures.

Dzharylgach Island (from Turkic "burnt wood") is located in the Black Sea Gulf — Karkinitskyi. Covering an area of ​​56 square kilometers, it is the largest island in the Black Sea and Ukraine in general.

The climate on the island is temperate continental, typical for Ukrainian steppe, but is more mild, providing favourable conditions for recreation.

Dzharylgach is rich on estuary lakes (over 200). It is known for its curative mud and salt lakes, where water has a high content of iodine and bromine. The air itself is rich with compounds of such elements and ozone. The sea inhabitants that are worth mentioning are stone and grass shrimp and two dozen species of crabs. Often you can see white-sided dolphins, Black Sea bottlenose dolphins and porpoises. Local waters are rich with sturgeon — sterlet and stellate sturgeon. A marsh turtle can be found close to fresh water bodies.

The island is also home to such endangered plants from Red Book of Ukraine as Dniper stipa, sword-grass and marsh zolotoboridnyk tsykadovyy.

The animal world of the island includes deer, fallow deer, mouflon, wild boar, hares, foxes, that move to the island on ice or on the sandspit. In addition, Dzharylgach is a nesting place for migrating birds — swans, ducks, geese, etc. that gather in numbers of more than 150 thousand during winter season. One of the key sights of the island is a hundred year old lighthouse, designed by one of the students of Eiffel and installed in 1902. The view from the top of the lighthouse on the sand spit, covered by the olive trees, is quite picturesque.

Rates Reviews 4

Kherson region, Kherson region

46.034107 | 32.897885

(05537) 5-25-80

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Review 4

Галина Зенчак

Гарна і майже нетронута природа,але якщо Ви відпочиваєте в Желізному порту або Лазурному,то на острів ідьте ,при можливості,своєю машиною до теплоходу і залишайтеся на острові скільки бажаєте.Ці що на пляжі пропонують поіздки,то на теплоході в дві сторони 3 години і на острові обіцяли 2,5 години,а були тільки півтори.Робіть висновки .,що можна побачити за 1.5 години?
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The AllRide

Місце, обов'язкове для відвідин. Сонцезахисний крем, помада,трепіленти і одяг, що захищає від сонця, вітру чи дощу мастхев!
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Галя Окіпна

Теплий пісок),чиста прозора вода ,саме ця територія була в чистоті:)
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Ольга Олексієвець

На острів варто відправлятися в будні дні, оскільки на вихідних чимало туристів, які припливають на день
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Natural objects and reserves

Dzharilgatsky lighthouse

Dzharylgach island

Where to stay?


Camping "Tent town LIGHT"

Dzharylgach island, Lighthouse, Skadovsk

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